Sunday, 16 February 2014

More Quickies!

Yeah, so in order to compensate you guys for putting up with my lack of regular reviews, I decided to do a fairly large number of quickies today. Hope this makes up for it!

Yup, it's a cheap anthem. Can't really say much else about it except for the fact that it effects all white creatures, not just your own, so it can kind of be a double-edged sword.

Pros: White anthem
Cons: Universal anthem
Rating: 2.5/5

Dwarven Pony
Dwarven Pony
Yay! A way to give Mutavault mountainwalk! Seriously though, there exists a slim number of cards that this works for, so it's really not that good.

Pros: Gives a Dwarf mountainwalk
Cons: Only gives 1 Dwarf mountainwalk until end of turn
Rating: 1/5

Horned Troll
Horned Troll
Yup, this is a card. It's decent in drafts, but otherwise "meh".

Pros: Regenerates
Cons: No evasion
Rating: 2.5/5

Divine Transformation
Divine Transformation
Another "meh" card. +3/+3 on an Aura for 4 isn't terrible for white. Again, good in drafts, lacking elsewhere.

Pros: +3/+3 for 4
Cons: The artwork lies to you
Rating: 2.5/5

Screw you white decks. That's pretty much all I can say about this.

Pros: Hoses white decks
Cons: Only hoses white decks
Rating: 3/5

Balm of Restoration
Balm of Restoration
3 mana for a worse Healing Salve? Uh, no thanks. And, believe it or not, this is a rare. Goes to show how little WotC knew about the game's meta when they first started out (to be fair though, most games start out like that).

Pros: Prevents 2 damage or gains 2 life, colourless
Cons: Thrice the cost of a Healing Salve
Rating: 0/5

Aura Graft
Aura Graft
I love the original text of this card! Other than that, it's pretty decent, especially since you not only move the Aura, but you also gain control of it. And, it's Instant speed, which is always nice.

Pros: Steal and move an Aura
Cons: Only moves Auras
Rating: 3/5

Scavenging Ghoul
Scavenging Ghoul
Interesting mechanic and it's not a terrible card. This is a mechanic that I'd like to see on more creatures in the near future.

Pros: Gets multiple regeneration chances
Cons: Needs a creature to die per regeneration, 2/2 for 4
Rating: 2.5/5

Order of the Sacred Torch
Order of the Sacred Torch
Pretty damn good card. A 2/2 for 3 with a really good ability, especially in white and despite the life requirement. Not bad.

Pros: Counter magic in white
Cons: Only counters black spells, requires life investment
Rating: 4/5

Show of Valor
Show of Valor
Save a baby; get s defense buff. This has saved a few of my creatures in draft and sealed games, but otherwise it's not that great. Would have much preferred +4/+2 for 3.

Pros: Sizeable toughness boost at Instant-speed, okay power boost at Instant-speed
Cons: Marginally useful outside of draft/sealed
Rating: 2/5

Yup, it gives Fear. Not extremely bad on a 2-drop, but not great either. Would have rather seen it on a 1-drop (such as in Gruesome Deformity).

Pros: Gives Fear
Cons: 2-drop, double black
Rating: 1.5/5

Lead Astray
Lead Astray
Gets rid of blockers and prevents attacking I guess. Again, another card that's good in drafts, but terrible in constructed.

Pros: Taps two creatures for 2, Instant-speed
Cons: Only taps two creatures, useless outside draft/sealed
Rating: 2.5/5

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