This card doesn’t get as much credit as it
deserves. To start, it’s a bear, which makes it a pretty decent card to
start. Second, its ETB trigger can be really powerful. Against a deck
that runs a lot of Suspend (lookin’ at you,
Jhoira of the Ghitu), this card can effectively stop any time
bombs since it just shuffles the suspended card away. It can also be
beneficial to you by returning cards like
Sins of the Past or Increasing Vengeance back into your library. Finally, and most amusing, it can screw over attempts to save other cards. Oh, you
Turn to Misted your Bruna, Light of Alabaster in order to avoid the Final Judgement? Well, while she’s gone, I sweep her away. It’s the closest thing green is ever going to get to a
Chaos Warp or a Spin Into Myth. Now, its major problem
lies in the fact that you can only target exiled cards with its ETB
trigger and green is not really known for exiling things. However, I see
it more as a defensive ability since it’s more
likely that your major problem with be exiled instead of just killed or
Pros: Retrieves cards from exile, sweeps cards from exile
Cons: Can only target things in exile
Rating: 3.5/5
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